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人生路上,把心托付给别人的,往往会丢了 . 自己,丢了快乐。“多情自古空遗恨,好梦由来总易醒”,再好的梦,总有醒来的时候,再深的依恋,总有断绝的时候。与其把自己的心情好坏寄托在别人身上,不如好好爱自己,经营自己的人生,人生才会少点遗憾和伤悲。

On the road of life, those who entrust their hearts to others often lose themselves and happiness. "Affectionate since ancient times, empty resentment, the origin of a good dream is always easy to wake up", no matter how good a dream, there is always a time to wake up, no matter how deep an attachment, there is always a time to break. Instead of pinning your mood on others, it's better to love yourself and manage your life, so that your life will be less regretful and sad.



On the way of life, tears are splashed when we feel sad, birds are startled, people are compassionate and sentimental, which makes our life picturesque and unforgettable, but the bad emotions of sadness and anxiety often give an opportunity to diseases. For health and happiness, we should learn to let go, learn to put down, and learn to take it lightly.


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