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四、 培育全球青年学术人才,助力文化传承创新




Global Digital Equality Initiative

The expansion and transformation of digital communication technologies across the globe have created a new digital world. Digital technologies have profoundly contributed to industry and economy, as well as public service and communication, yet they have also brought confrontations and inequalities among nations, regions, races, and individuals. The issues of digital divide, data abuse, misinformation, digital waste, platform monopoly, and digital governance all demonstrate the cruciality of advancing global digital equality in today’s world. The mission of International Union for Digital Equality Studies (IUDES) is to promote academic research and collaboration addressing various forms of inequalities in the global digital economies and societies. From an international and interdisciplinary perspective, we aim to facilitate dialogue between academics, industries and governments, contributing to the justice and sustainability in the global digital societies.

In support of this objective, we intend to work together in the following aspects.

Share academic resource

With the IUDES, we want to facilitate the sharing of academic resources in digital (in)equality studies.We willdevelop adynamic index, mapping global inequalities and providing data andinsightsfor equal and effective governance of the global digital society.

Facilitate intellectualdialogue

The IUDES will provide a global network for academic institutions and researchers around the world to collaborate on research. We will organize annual conferences under themes related to digital equality, and invite scholars, and professionals from NGOs, governments and industries to have dialogues on core issues in digital (in)equality studies.

Serve global governance

The IUDES will publish annual report on global digital equality studies to map key developments in the field. This, together with our conference and index, will not only benefit researchers, but also provide insights for police makers and industrial professionals around the world.

Cultivate future generations

Early career scholars are the future of global digital (in)equality studies. It is crucial for the IUDES to provide support and training for junior scholars. We will organize summer schools and workshops as a stage for early career researchers to network and publicize their work.

Enhance publicliteracy

The IUDES will collaborate with institutions across the world toorganize public lectures, trainings, exhibitions, screenings,and games in local communities, to improve digital literacy among various populations.

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