Life contentment will be happy, the heart is simple will be happy, all things look weak, relaxed, good state of mind all is well.
面向阳光时,阴影在你背后。 背向阳光时,阴影在你眼前。 世界从未改变, 改变的只是我们面对世界的方向!
When you face the sun, the shadow is behind you. When you turn your back to the sun, the shadow is in front of you. The world never changes, only the direction we face it.
What is the best day of the year? Today is the day! Have fun!
其实让人崩溃的东西很简单,是说话的语气和不耐烦的情绪, 其实都是芝麻一样的小事,可满地的芝麻,足以让人捡到崩溃。
In fact, what makes a person collapse is very simple, is the tone of speech and impatient mood, in fact, are the same small sesame seeds, can be full of sesame seeds, enough to let a person pick up the collapse.
每天多努力一点点。 请相信:别人拥有的,不必羡慕; 只要努力,时间都会给你。
Try a little harder every day. Please believe: others have, don't envy; As long as you work hard, there will be time for you.
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